114 Jubilee Crescent
Coventry, CV6 3ES

Phone: -
Food hygiene rating 5


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Cheng's Garden - Coventry

Food delivered in following postcodes in or around Coventry:

Serving Chinese

Food Hygiene Rating: Last inspection date: 22 May 2019 (more than 6 moths ago). Score: 5 "VERY GOOD". View on food.gov.uk

Take Away Food Shops
Also known as:
Cheng's Garden
Chengs Garden

Ratings and reviews

5 / 5

1 customer rate this takeaway as 5 out of 5
Score built using reviews left on this page by our users.

Jan 14, 2020
First time order, arrived within time, hot.
Meal for 2 all good, large chunky chicken in a dish, great beef in sauce and huge pieces of mushrooms in another dish. All very tasty and filling

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