885 Old Kent Road
London, SE15 1NL

Phone: -
Food hygiene rating 3


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Good Fortune - Peckham

Food delivered in following postcodes in or around London: SE16, SE1, SE15, SE5, SE4, SE13, SE8, SE17, SE14

Serving Chinese

Food Hygiene Rating: Last inspection date: 29 Sep 2020 (more than 6 moths ago). Score: 3 "Generally Satisfactory". View on food.gov.uk

Nearest underground stations: New Cross Gate - 1.21m, Surrey Quays - 1.58m, Deptford Bridge - 1.69m

Also known as:
Good Fortune

Ratings and reviews

1 / 5

1 customer rate this takeaway as 1 out of 5
Score built using reviews left on this page by our users.

Jan 2, 2021
i ordered I got egg fried rice, chicken curry, prawn chowmain, sweet&sour prawn balls, curry sauce, came yo £20.30

The women took over the order from her son after I asked for chilli oil, she was extremely rude and told me they don't do chilli oil so I said ok just give me fresh chilli on the side and because I asked for chilli 🌶 oil she came out to take over the
order from her son she was shouting we don't do chilli oil, I said I know I asked for fresh chilli on the side, ok ok she said, I wait in that Chinese for over an hour I normally order from lucky hourse at lower road but thought I'd get a takeaway from here, when my order was being prepared the women who served me and took my money picked the chilli up without her hands without washing her hands first, and she's extremely rude and very loud I took the chi²lli side off and didn't eat that side luckily it was just on the corner and she didn't touch the food apart from putting the chilli on it,

The noodles were not thick chowmain even doe there's a picture of thick chowmain on the wall near the till, noodles were thin and very dry, prawns were over cooked and didn't taste fresh- the rice was sticky and very cheap tasting and was not proper Chinese egg fried rice with no egg and about 3 peas -- the chicken curry was over cooked and extremely dry and didn't taste fresh, the prawn balls were just ok but I can make them much better, all in all the food was awful, the women's hygiene is not good and her mouth is to big for her own good, I don't know why this Chinese is rated 5 stars its actually rubbish Chinese and I waited over an hour for food that tasted cheap and not fresh and a women that's plain ignorant, maybe that's why her customers look so miserable and unhappy, The women is ignorant and the food was really rubbish i will never go back

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